This is a knock-down, drag-out grudge fight between sexy black girls Angelica and Butterfly dressed in very short skirts. Street fighter Butterfly likes to beat ass on females and loves picking fights but she might have met her match with Angelica who has a long history of fighting over guys at the club. Angelica throws her rival down, takes the top position, and fires punches to Butterfly's head. Butterfly reverses her then traps Angelica to the floor with a knee to the throat and mounts her foe with punches and kicks. When they get back to their feet Butterfly punishes her rival with a hand across her throat and vicious punches to the breast and belly before mounting her foe with a schoolgirl pin. This is all out competitive female fighting as they exchange the top position and punish each other with hard takedowns, headlocks, face punches, body punches, hair pulling and hard kicks and knees to the midsection. One fighter takes over battering her foe with a rough foot stomp to the stomach followed by hammer punches then kicks the loser when she is down. The fight is finally stopped due to a broken finger after 12 minutes of vicious black girl female fighting action.
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